Signs You Need Your Brakes Replaced Daytona Beach FL | The SmartLots

Signs You Need Your Brakes Replaced

Signs You Need Your Brakes Replaced

When you own a vehicle, it’s important to stay on top of all your routine maintenance services so it can stay healthy and out on the Palm Coast, Daytona Beach, and Deland, FL, streets. There are a few services you need yearly that typically get addressed at your annual inspection, like oil changes and tire rotations. There are other areas of your vehicle that aren’t checked out as often, like your brakes.

Here at The Smartlots, we want your vehicle to continue running as smoothly as the day you bought it for years to come. That’s why we created this handy breakdown of when you need your brakes replaced, so you know when it’s time to schedule an appointment here at our service center!

Foot Pressing Brake Pedal

What Are The Signs I Need My Brakes Replaced?

There are a few different warning signs that will alert you that it’s time to get your brakes checked out and replaced.

One of the most obvious signs is your dashboard brake light turning on in red or yellow. Now, this could mean you’re just due for an inspection, but usually it means there’s a problem with how your brakes are operating.

If you start to hear strange noises coming from your brakes, such as clicking, grinding, or squeaking, this is a major sign that your brake pads are worn out and rubbing against your rotor.

If you feel vibrating, wobbling, or like your brakes are a bit spongy and soft when you apply pressure to them, you’ll want to take your vehicle in for immediate service.

You know how your brakes should feel, so if something doesn’t seem right, trust your gut.

Replacing Brake Pads

How Often Do I Need My Brakes Replaced?

Typically, your brakes are going to need to be replaced about every 50,000 miles, which for the average driver is every six years. If you drive in harsh conditions, or have long daily commutes, your brakes will need to be replaced sooner.

Be sure to check with your owner’s manual to see what’s recommended for your specific vehicle.

Brake Repair

Schedule Your Next Brake Repair Appointment

If you’re ready to schedule your brake repair appointment here in our service center, there are a few ways you can go about doing so.

The first way is right here on our website. All you’ll need to do is fill out your vehicle make, model, and year; your contact information; a brief description of the repairs needed; and the time and date that works best with your schedule. After that, we’ll reach out to you to confirm your appointment.

If you have any questions about the repairs needed and would prefer to speak with someone directly, just give us a call or stop on by. We’re happy talk with you about the maintenance services you’re looking to get done, so you feel confident about trusting your vehicle with us.

Contact Us Today!

Here at The Smartlots, we’re dedicated to helping you get your vehicle in and out of the shop in no time, so it can get back where it belongs, out on the roads of Palm Coast, Daytona Beach, and Deland, Florida. For more information, contact us today!